Theme: Rantings of Mind




 What comes to your mind when someone says “beautiful woman?” A woman with hair like a waterfall and skin so fair and smooth and a perfect figure, like the ones you can only find on the ramps of the best fashions shows. We may not realize this but this is a definition that has been created, not by us though. But it still exists.

Everything around us i.e. TV, online shopping sites, digital advertisements, magazines, newspapers, beauty contests and shows all of these are continuously bombarding us with images of flawless women. They knew they had to target two most important factors of our lives, beauty and ageing. They play with the desires of all to look attractive and youthful. They are well aware and have well researched about the demands for products that enhance appearances and make people appear more youthful will never fail and so neither will their businesses.

We all know that they wear heaps of make-up and most of these images are photo-shopped, but what can we do about it? We humans are visual people and manufacturers play with our psychology to sell their products. They create such long lasting impressions on our minds that leave a great impact and even influence our thoughts and choices. Hence we can say that all these definitions are influenced by media, advertisements and celebrities. But the question is, do we really need to fall prey to them?

We all have formed a picture about our physical selves and about our body that is called self-perception or body-image. I am so huge. I have horrible acne.I am so dark. I have fat arms, huge shoulders or a bulging belly. I have narrow legs. I am short or I have large thighs.Have you ever thought to yourself, how did you decide that you are xyz? And On what basis did you decide so?

A girl is made to think she is fat i.e. abnormal and almost berated by people, “She will not get a good job or husband. She has pimples all over her face, which makes her look so ugly”.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong in grooming oneself, having a slim figure or using any products or services. But my dear intelligent women, World is full of smart beautiful women. But intelligent are a few.

Apart from this if your job needs you to look like model and beautiful then you must think about it that whether you are in the right profession or not ? Similarly if people only meet you or praise you for your smartness and beauty then you should ask yourself, are you missing something? A woman must be more than flesh and face.How many men care about their smartness and looks? It proves that you’re weak and only an eye candy for men..!

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Harmain Khan

35 thoughts on “

  1. Aliza Anees says:

    Our society has got its priorities all screwed up; they admire something which can easily wither whereas intelligence is timeless! I’ve always found brains more attractive than looks. Of course beauty matters to an extent too, but not to such large an extent. Great topic, great blog Harmain! Loved it ❤


  2. Maham says:

    I believe every human being to be intelligent in their own way; every one is a frikking genius and beauty doesn’t matter! You go girl. We needed someone to talk about this 🙂


  3. Iqra Ashiq says:

    Yes!! making yourself groom according to your profession is not bad but beauty with brain is the first priority..!! Great Blog and keep it up 🙂


  4. Marvi says:

    The way you carry out this topic from the beginning is just superb and well detailed about the topic i liked it very much keep on writing best of luck 😊👍


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